Effective Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment in pune.

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Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition characterized by red, inflamed patches covered with silvery scales. It can be itchy, painful, and emotionally distressing. From an Ayurvedic perspective, psoriasis is understood as a manifestation of imbalances in the body’s doshas – primarily Vata and Kapha, along with the accumulation of toxins in the body. Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment in Pune helps to cure the disease

Ayurvedic psoriasis Treatment

The symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin. The symptoms can vary depending on the type and severity of the psoriasis, but common symptoms include:

1.Red, Scaly Patches:

Psoriasis typically presents as thick, red patches of skin covered with silvery-white scales. These patches can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back.

2.Dry, Cracked Skin:

The affected areas may become dry and cracked, sometimes bleeding or oozing.

3.Itching and Burning:

Psoriasis patches often cause itching, burning, or discomfort. In severe cases, the itching can be intense and persistent.

4.Nail Changes:

Psoriasis can affect the nails, causing pitting (small dents), discoloration, thickening, and separation from the nail bed.

5.Swollen and Stiff Joints:

Some people with psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis, leading to joint pain, swelling, and stiffness, often affecting the fingers, toes, and spine.

6.Scalp Issues:

Psoriasis on the scalp can cause redness, itching, and flaking. It can sometimes extend beyond the hairline to the forehead or neck.


In the pustular form of psoriasis, pustules (blisters filled with non-infectious pus) can develop on the skin.

8.General Discomfort:

Psoriasis may cause general discomfort and can impact daily activities and quality of life.


Symptoms can worsen periodically, known as flare-ups, often triggered by factors such as stress, infections, or certain medications.

If you experience any of these symptoms or suspect you may have psoriasis, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Ayurvedic Approach to Psoriasis

At Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic, we believe in treating the root cause of psoriasis rather than just its symptoms. Our Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment in pune is designed to balance the body’s doshas, detoxify the system, and promote overall health and well-being.

Our Treatment Process

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to treating psoriasis by addressing both the physical symptoms and the underlying imbalances within the body. The Ayurvedic process for Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment in pune involves several key steps:

1.Diagnosis & Assessment

  • Detailed Consultation: The treatment begins with a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s health, lifestyle, and medical history. This includes evaluating the dosha imbalance (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) that may contribute to psoriasis.
  • Pulse Diagnosis: Ayurvedic practitioners use pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) to understand the body’s internal imbalances and tailor the treatment accordingly.

2.Detoxification (Panchakarma)

  • Virechana (Purgation Therapy): Helps in detoxifying the liver and gallbladder, removing excess Pitta (heat) from the body.
  • Vamana (Emesis Therapy): Induces vomiting to eliminate excess Kapha (phlegm) that may contribute to skin issues.
  • Basti (Enema Therapy): Helps in balancing Vata dosha and removing toxins from the intestines.
  • Raktamokshana (Bloodletting): In some cases, this therapy may be used to cleanse the blood and improve skin health.

3.Internal Medications

  • Herbal Formulations: Custom herbal medicines such as Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), and Guggulu (Commiphora wightii) are used to reduce inflammation and improve skin condition.
  • Balancing Doshas: Medicines are prescribed to balance the affected doshas, particularly Pitta, which is often associated with psoriasis.

4. External Treatments

  • Topical Applications: Ayurvedic creams and oils containing Neem, Aloe Vera, Turmeric, and Coconut Oil are applied to soothe the skin, reduce itching, and promote healing.
  • Herbal Baths: Baths with herbal decoctions like Neem and Turmeric help in cleansing the skin and reducing irritation.

5.Diet & Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Dietary Recommendations: A balanced diet is crucial for managing psoriasis. It typically includes anti-inflammatory foods, such as leafy greens, fruits, and whole grains, while avoiding spicy, oily, and processed foods.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Stress management techniques, including yoga, meditation, and adequate sleep, are emphasized to reduce flare-ups and improve overall well-being.

6.Regular Monitoring and Follow-up

  • Ongoing Evaluation: Regular follow-ups are scheduled to monitor progress, adjust treatments, and ensure that the patient’s dosha balance is maintained.
  • Patient Education: Patients are educated about their condition, preventive measures, and the importance of adhering to the prescribed treatment and lifestyle changes.

6.Holistic Support

  • Emotional Well-being: Ayurveda also addresses the mental and emotional aspects of psoriasis, helping patients cope with stress and maintain a positive outlook.
  • Customized Care: Treatment plans are individualized, considering the patient’s unique constitution (Prakriti) and current imbalances.

Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis focuses on long-term management and aims to improve quality of life by addressing the root causes of the condition. For personalized treatment plans and to learn more about how Ayurveda can help you, consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.

Contact Us

If you are looking for effective Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment in Pune, Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic is here to help. Our holistic approach and personalized care can help you achieve healthier, clearer skin.

Take the first step towards effective psoriasis management with Ayurvedic treatment. Book your consultation at Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic today and experience the benefits of holistic healing.

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