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Dr. Prafulla Raut
B.A.M.S , D.Y.A
Dr. Prafulla raut completed graduation from University Of Health Sciences Nashik. He has completed D.Y.A.from Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth Pune.He was done Internship in Vishwamrut Gurukul of renowned mentor Rajavaidya. Sameer jamadagni sir for two years. He is a founder and director of Shree vishwarpan ayurved rugnalay, panchakarma & research centre since 15 years.He prepare quality ayurvedic medicines for his patients, providing pure and quality based treatment of ayurveda.Beside medical practice he is involved in various activities like a conducting various medical camps,participated in national seminar.Along with these activities he had participated in many seminar of ayurveda 1) first national conference on parad& gandhak held at ayurved mahavidyalaya akurdi

Dr. Snehal P. Raut
M.D (Ayurved)
Dr Snehal Raut has completed her M.D from Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Kodoli [University of health science Nashik]. She was completed Internship in Vishwamrut Gurukul of renowned mentor & practitioner rajavaidya sameer Jamadagni sir for 1 year. She is an Ayurved physician, specialist in ayurvedic infertility and practicing since 2011. (Besides medical practice, she is involved in various activities like conducting various medical camps.) Conducting awareness seminars. Research done in Dravyaguna on subject: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PIPPALI AND GAJAPIPPALI WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY.