Ayurvedic Itching Treatments in Pune for Soothing Skin Care

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Ayurvedic Itching Treatment

What is Itching?

Itching, also known as pruritus, is an uncomfortable sensation on the skin that creates an urge to scratch. It can be localized to one area or spread across multiple areas of the body. Itching can be a symptom of various underlying conditions, including skin disorders, allergic reactions, infections, and internal diseases. Experience soothing relief from itching with natural Ayurvedic itching treatment in Pune.

Ayurvedic-Itching treatment in Pune

The Causes of Itching

1.Skin Conditions:

 Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and hives are common skin conditions that cause itching.

2.Allergic Reactions:

Pollen, pet dander, certain foods, and insect bites can trigger allergic reactions resulting in itching.


Fungal infections (such as athlete’s foot), bacterial infections, and parasitic infestations (like scabies) often lead to itching.

4.Internal Diseases:

Liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid disorders, and diabetes can cause generalized itching.


Some medications have side effects that include itching.

6.Dry Skin:

Lack of moisture, particularly in dry climates or during winter, can cause itching.

7.Psychological Factors:

Stress, anxiety, and other psychological conditions can sometimes manifest as itching.

The Symptoms of Itching


The affected skin may appear red or inflamed.

2.Bumps or Blisters:

Small bumps, blisters, or hives may develop on the skin.

3.Dry or Scaly Skin:

The skin might become dry, scaly, or cracked.


A visible rash might accompany the itching.

5.Scratch Marks:

Persistent scratching can lead to skin abrasions or sores.

Ayurvedic Approach to Itching

In Ayurveda, itching is often associated with imbalances in the doshas, particularly Pitta and Kapha. The Ayurvedic approach to treating itching focuses on balancing these doshas through holistic methods:


Panchakarma therapies are employed to remove toxins (ama) from the body.

2.Herbal Remedies:

Herbs with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties are used to alleviate itching.

3.Diet and Lifestyle:

Adjustments in diet to avoid aggravating foods and lifestyle changes to reduce stress are recommended.

4.Topical Treatments:

Application of Ayurvedic oils, pastes, and herbal formulations to soothe the skin.

Our Ayurvedic Process for Itching Treatment

At Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic, we provide comprehensive Ayurvedic itching treatment in Pune, tailored to individual needs. Our process includes:

1.Consultation & Diagnosis:

A thorough examination to identify the root cause of itching and the imbalanced doshas.

2.Personalized Treatment Plan:

Based on the diagnosis, a customized treatment plan is created, including detoxification therapies, herbal remedies, and dietary recommendations.


Panchakarma treatments such as Vamana, Virechana, and Basti to cleanse the body of toxins.

4.Herbal Remedies:

Use of specific herbs like Neem, Turmeric, and Aloe Vera to reduce inflammation and soothe the skin.

5.Topical Applications:

Application of medicated oils and pastes to provide relief and promote healing.

6.Diet and Lifestyle Guidance:

Personalized advice on diet and lifestyle changes to prevent recurrence and maintain healthy skin.

At Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic, our holistic approach ensures that the treatment addresses not just the symptoms but also the root cause of itching, providing lasting relief and overall wellness.

For effective and personalized Ayurvedic itching treatment in Pune, visit Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic and experience the benefits of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom combined with modern care.

For effective and personalized Ayurvedic allergy treatment in Pune, visit Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic and experience the benefits of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom combined with modern care.

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