Ayurvedic Itching Treatment in Pune

Ayurvedic Itching Treatment in PuneSkin is the largest organ in the human body with its own set of functions and complications. Skin rashes and itching is a common skin problem that affects a considerable part of our population. It is characterized by constant inflammation, itching, and irritation. However, this condition can be treated with medication and therapies. Ayurvedic itching treatment in Pune for skin rashes and itching is a widely accepted approach for this problem

What are Skin Rashes and Itching?

An abnormal change in skin texture or colour is known as skin rashes. Skin rashes are usually accompanied by inflammation, irritation, and itching. There are several types of rashes, including lichen planus, eczema, pityriasis rosea, and granuloma annulare. It affects people from age groups and genders. Ayurveda offers an all-natural and side-effect free treatment for skin rashes and itching.

Diagnosis and Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Rashes and Itching
Ayurveda explains skin problems as a result of a lack of maintenance of any of the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Lifestyle issues or dietary problems may result in skin problems. If there is a Vata imbalance, it will make your skin dry and rough with cracks and fissures. Pitta disorders lead to burning pain, redness, ulceration, fever and pus formation. While Kapha imbalance results in skin discolouration, swelling, itching, and retention of fluids.

Ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases is a combination of therapies and medications. The patient will also need to make dietary changes depending on the Dosha that needs to be pacified. Medications help in managing skin irritation, reducing itchiness, and eliminating the root cause of the problem. Panchakarma therapies like lepam (face packs with medicinal herbs), udhwarthanam (massage with dry herbal powders), and dhoopanam (medicated fumigation), Virechana, Dhara, Snehana, etc. are used as per the patient’s condition. The best medicine for skin rashes and itching is the one that your doctor prescribes you, so it is advised not to take medicines without a doctor’s consultation.

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