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This is a process in which medicated herbal paste is applied on the
affected part or whole body based on patients conditions. This is useful
for various types of inflammatory conditions, arthritis, gout, skin diseases and eczema. continuous localized applications reduce inflammation, increase blood circulation, and relieve the person from inflammatory pains. Lepam paste bear high anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and the liquids used are good for tissue nourishment.

Lepanam is an Ayurvedic therapy recommended to the people suffering from the pain associated with the inflammatory conditions. In this treatment, medicines along with some herbal liquids are mixed in the form of paste (known as lepam), which is then applied to the affected parts of the body. The lepam acts as a body scrub used to smooth your skin, rejuvenate your blood circulation, and relive aches. It activates the natural purifying and healing abilities of the body.

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