Defeat Ringworm Naturally: Ayurvedic Treatment for Lasting Relief

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Ayurvedic Ringworm Treatment

What is Ringworm?

Ringworm, also known as dermatophytosis or tinea, is a common fungal infection affecting the skin, scalp, or nails. Despite its name, ringworm is not caused by a worm but by a type of fungus that thrives on keratin, the protein found in skin, hair, and nails. The infection typically appears as a red, itchy, circular rash with clearer skin in the middle, resembling a ring. Ayurvedic Ringworm Treatment in Pune is the best for such issues

Ayurvedic Ringworm Treatment

The Causes of Ringworm

Ringworm is caused by various species of fungi known as dermatophytes. These fungi can be contracted through:

1.Direct Contact:

Skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or animal.

2.Indirect Contact:

Contact with contaminated objects, such as towels, clothing, or surfaces.


Exposure to moist, warm environments where fungi thrive, such as locker rooms or swimming pools.

4.Weakened Immune System:

Individuals with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to fungal infections.

The Symptoms of Ringworm

The symptoms of ringworm can vary depending on the location of the infection but generally include:

  • Red, scaly, itchy patches that may blister and ooze.
  • Patches that may be redder on the outer edges or resemble a ring.
  • Bald patches if the infection is on the scalp.
  • Thickened, discolored, or cracked nails if the infection is in the nails.

Ayurvedic Approach for Ringworm Treatment

In Ayurveda, ringworm is viewed as an imbalance of the doshas, particularly Pitta and Kapha, leading to the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the skin. The Ayurvedic approach focuses on restoring dosha balance, detoxifying the body, and enhancing the immune system to prevent recurrence.

1.Detoxification (Shodhana):

Cleansing the body to eliminate accumulated toxins.

2.Herbal Remedies (Dravyaguna):

Using specific herbs with antifungal and immune-boosting properties.

3.Diet & Lifestyle Changes (Ahara & Vihara):

Adopting a diet and lifestyle that supports skin health and prevents fungal growth.

4.Topical Treatments:

Application of herbal pastes and oils to soothe the skin and combat the fungal infection.

Our Ayurvedic Process for Ringworm Treatment

At Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic, we provide a comprehensive and personalized Ayurvedic ringworm treatment in Pune, focusing on natural and holistic healing. Our treatment process includes:

1.Consultation & Diagnosis:

A thorough assessment of the patient’s condition to identify the root cause and extent of the infection.

2.Personalized Treatment Plan:

Developing a customized plan that includes detoxification therapies, herbal remedies, and dietary guidelines tailored to the individual’s needs.

3.Detoxification (Panchakarma):

Implementing Panchakarma treatments like Virechana (therapeutic purgation) to cleanse the body of toxins that contribute to the infection.

4.Herbal Remedies:

Utilizing herbs such as Neem, Turmeric, Manjistha, and Aloe Vera known for their antifungal and skin-healing properties.

5.Topical Applications:

Applying medicated oils and herbal pastes to the affected areas to alleviate itching and inflammation, and to combat the fungal infection.

6.Diet & Lifestyle Guidance:

Providing advice on a diet that balances the doshas and lifestyle modifications to enhance immunity and prevent fungal infections.

7.Follow-up Care:

Regular follow-up to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

At Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic, our holistic approach ensures that ringworm treatment addresses both the symptoms and underlying causes, promoting long-term skin health.

For effective and personalized Ayurvedic ringworm treatment in Pune, visit Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved Clinic and experience the healing power of Ayurveda combined with modern medical care.

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